Do you really want authenticity?

This buzzword is used far too often in the creative world. Even more so in the wedding industry.

I even use it right here on my own site. I’m guilty of that as well.

I suppose there is some merit in using that phrase in that way, but when you hire a photographer, do you really want them to be truly authentic?

Can anyone actually be that? Or is it just an orchestrated, managed, and marketed version of that person? When are any of us really being our “authentic selves” anyway? The moment we’re born and take our first breath? Anything after that is influenced by something or someone isn’t it.

When you’re looking for a photographer that does a good job, what you’re really looking for is professionalism, experience, knowledge, but more importantly, consistency. Not authenticity.


I had an electrician over the other day to fix my EV charger.

I don’t know anything about him. I don’t know if he was in a good mood, bad mood, tired, excited, angry…no idea. If he walked into my house and was being “authentic” he may very well have been a raging bull, swearing and tossing tools around, depending on what sort of day he had just before he came into my house - but he wasn’t.

He was nice.

Not overly personable, but he did the job right.

It’s the third time I’ve had him to our home in four years, each time, he did the job in the same way - and that’s why I hire him, despite his hourly rate being a little higher than others.

Because he’s consistent.

And that is what you want from a photographer.


Their style may change, the images that they create over the years may vary in look, but consistently showing up, doing the work, delivering the images - that’s the mark of a professional.


For New Wedding Photographers.


My Big Fat Greek Wedding (True story)