Sometimes it takes time

Father of the Bride doing up the clasp of his daughters heels

This year, I turned 50. I’ve been photographing weddings for 20 years, but I feel like now, more than ever I am most connected to the work that I do.

It’s not enough to simply show up and snap pretty pictures. That is a given in this business, especially now.

Providing a body of images that are technically and creatively well done is the baseline requirement as a photographer.

My purpose as a wedding photographer is to provide you with a set of photos that are beautiful, but more importantly, that are unique, and that mean something to you on a deeper level than simply having it be pretty and shareable on social media.

It’s my goal to provide you with a set of photos that pull your heartstrings, and that don’t need a caption to explain what’s happening.

This past year, what I really noticed was that I was connecting on a personal level to the wedding day, and being able to relate to how your parents feel during the wedding. This connection has changed what I pay attention to as well and has influenced the intimacy and emotion in the images I seek out

I really believe that the photos that I make are more than just ephemeral content for the masses to consume on social media. They must considered family heirlooms that allow for conversations to take place over the years as your family develops and grows.


How to Plan a Destination Wedding. Tips from a Wedding Photographer.


That nagging little voice telling you that you’re not good enough.